Change of Company Name
Every company needs to have a unique and right name in order to commence a business in Hong Kong.
Every company needs to have a unique and right name in order to commence a business in Hong Kong. With the help of Startupr, Hong Kong name search option, business owners can easily check the name that they want to register. And if any businessmen want to change the company name in Hong Kong after registering their business, Startupr can also help.
By using The Cyber Search Centre of the Integrated Companies Registry Information System (ICRIS) which is provided by the Hong Kong Companies Registry (CR), we check the availability of the names in order to avoid any chaos, however the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong will not accept the name which is the same as the name appearing in the index of company names.
How can a company change its name after incorporation?
A company can also change its name even after the incorporation process in Hong Kong. A company has to fill the special resolution to change the name of the company as per section 107(2) of the Companies Ordinance.
After passing the Special Resolution within the 15 days, a “Notice of Change of Company Name” (Form NNC2) must be delivered to the Registrar of Companies with the required fees. The newname of the company will be effective on the issue date of the ‘Certificate of Change of Name’. At the same time, an updated Business Registration Certificate (BRC) with the new company name will be issued by the Inland Revenue Department and sent to the business registration address.
How can Startupr help you?
Startupr will help the business owners to change their company name even after the incorporation process. We will ensure that the name of the company doesn’t resemble or infringe existing ones. We will also let you start your business with your desired business company.