Virtual Office For HK Limited Company
A Business address, also known as virtual address, is the address a company uses for business matters.
A Business address, also known as virtual address, is the address a company uses for business matters. In Hong Kong, this is different from the registered address. A registered address is only the address the company uses for official government use to receive government mail.
This Business address is used for the company’s official use, such as for invoices, business contracts, agreements, and other matters. This business address does not have to be where the business operates, but would act as the location of the company.
This is useful for small companies, who mainly do business operations from home, but use another location as their business address for privacy issues and to reduce any potential risks. This location would be seen as more professional, as possibly located downtown in a city, rather than a residential address. This can also be especially useful for mail forwarding, as documents can be sent to the business address, and accessed even when the owner is traveling and away from home.
In case you need a business address or mail forwarding services for your company, Startupr can provide an office address located in downtown Hong Kong. Contact us for more information about our business address and mail forwarding services.
Conditions: Please note if you set up the company with Startupr, you are provided a registered address, but the Company’s Secretary’s registered address does not automatically thereby become your company’s “business address”. Unless you have specifically engaged us to forward your company mail (other than government communications as above), and proper paperwork is filed, the Startupr address may not be used as your business address.