When individuals choose to incorporate a limited company, they can undoubtedly enjoy the advantages and allowances of assessments in Hong Kong.
To start a business in Hong Kong, the initial step is to use a business name that is correct and adequate. In this article, you will discover how to look for the title and pick a proper name according to the business name restrictions in Hong Kong.

Choosing a Hong Kong Company Name
Choosing a new Hong Kong company name is one of the essential parts of starting a new business. A wrong word can make your company sink even before it begins. But the question is, why is the name of your Hong Kong company so important? What are the aspects that matter? What is the best way to develop an adequate Hong Kong company name? All of these questions are answered below; keep on reading to have proper knowledge about them.
Why is choosing a Hong Kong company name important?
If you need your clients to have the option to track you down, talk about you and talk to people about you, you want a business name, which should embody what your identity is, recognize what you sell, and help to impress the investors. A business name is also the establishment of a brand name plan, which can be of significant worth if you want to expand or sell your business. Specific individuals might think the plan of action is a higher priority than the name, yet a proper business name unquestionably can’t hurt your possibilities.
The Hong Kong company’s name search option is available to help you find the organisation name you need. It makes you aware if the name is being used or is going to be registered by someone else. If this is the case, you are not permitted to use the organisation name if it is similar to that of another organisation or used by another organisation.
To see whether the right organisation name is being used, you will have to put the organisation name in the Hong Kong name search field on the site to get the correct result. This incorporates any punctuation marks, spaces, and ending terms. For example, the “Organization,” “有限公司,” “Restricted,” “公司,” “Organisation Limited,” and so forth.
Choosing a Hong Kong Company Name for Registration
Even though concluding on an organisation’s name may appear a small matter, it is significant for each business. You can’t use the organisation name currently enrolled or already enlisted, and one can check this on the inquiry field. Some of the main rules need to be followed when choosing the business name in Hong Kong. Below are some of the things you must keep in mind.
General requirements and restrictions
Below are certain requirements that you have to keep in mind:
- An organisation name that will be enlisted in Hong Kong can be in English or Chinese.
- The organisation name can’t be a mix of English words/letters and Chinese characters.
- For an English organisation name, it should end with “Limited”.
- For the Chinese organisation name, it should end with the characters “有限公司.”
- The Chinese organisation name ought to contain customary Chinese characters (繁體字) that can be found in the accompanying word references.
- Dictionary of Kang Xi (康熙字典) or Dictionary of Ci Hai (辭海), and the ISO 10646 worldwide coding standard.
- The Chinese organisation name with improved Chinese characters won’t be acknowledged.
You can check the Hong Kong company name availability on the Startupr’s company name check tool. With the availability of the Hong Kong name search option on the Startupr website, you can easily check the company name suitability. Find if the company name you want is already in use or is about to be registered. If the name you choose is already used then you are not allowed to use the name that is similar or that is about to be used by another company. In this case, you have to choose another name for your company.
If you want to choose a Hong Kong company name ensure that the company name is:
- Unique – One cannot use a company name if it is being registered or is already registered. This also applies if the name is being used by a Hong Kong name search on the Startupr website. Also, it cannot be identical to any other company’s name.
- Government Names – A business name that might give the impression that it is connected to any government department like the Central People’s Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or some other government organisation straightforwardly associated with the Hong Kong government is strictly prohibited.
- Limited vs. ltd – The name needs to end with a “limited” or the Chinese equivalent as mentioned above. However, the abbreviation of “Ltd” isn’t taken into consideration as the official business name in Hong Kong.
- Accuracy – According to the Hong Kong Registrar, in the event that the name is offensive or its utilisation establishes a criminal offence or is in opposition to the interests of people in general, it can’t be utilised. Likewise, there are some predetermined words that are not allowed when naming an organisation in Hong Kong.
How do I change a company name in Hong Kong?
An organisation might pass a Special Resolution to change its name after joining. A “Notice of Change of Company Name” (Form NNC2) ought to be conveyed within 15 days after passing of the Special Resolution along with the necessary fee either electronically through the e-Registry portal or in printed copy structure to the Shroff on the fourteenth floor of the Queensway Government Offices. The difference in name will be viable from the date on which the Certificate of Change of Name is issued. Kindly note that the Special Resolution on change in name and the Articles of Association as adjusted according to change of organisation name need not be delivered to the Registry.
Choose Your Hong Kong Company Name and Register Your Business Online
If you have difficulty choosing the company name online, choose Startupr to help you go through the process smoothly. Apart from company name registration, Startupr has a decade of experience in HK company registration and has helped thousands of businesses start in Hong Kong. The company can assist you with choosing the company name as well as the entire incorporation process and maintaining their HK business smoothly. Visit now to learn more!